Drawing II Heritage/Myth Project, in progress, series:
So, after gathering the sole family legend of my great great great uncle Peter Hans Kallsen getting his tongue cut for speaking ill of the Germans who had taken over Denmark, I related the story to a very famous dissident: Guy Fawkes, who executed the plot to blow up the English House of Parliament on the Fifth of November, 1605.

With that I focused on the recurrence of nonconformity in my lineage, and also how that relates to me. I wanted to depict the feeling, the fear, the intimidations or hesitations that a dissident might encounter in his/her endeavors. Here is a depiction of the steps leading to the basement of the English House of Parliament, where Guy Fawkes was caught before he could ignite the barrels of gunpowder that were hidden there. His punishment was execution.

With that I focused on the recurrence of nonconformity in my lineage, and also how that relates to me. I wanted to depict the feeling, the fear, the intimidations or hesitations that a dissident might encounter in his/her endeavors. Here is a depiction of the steps leading to the basement of the English House of Parliament, where Guy Fawkes was caught before he could ignite the barrels of gunpowder that were hidden there. His punishment was execution.

Sculptural Forms Repeated Unit Project, Meaning in Material:

When I figured out the material I wanted to use, I dove into the biological, historical, and current connotations of the maple seed.
Turns out their un-noticeability has caught them a lot of attention:

The Pentagon is giving the war profiteers over at Lockheed Martin a nice chunk of change to develop a spy camera modeled after a maple seed. Loaded up with two rockets, the wee, single-winged camera would be used in large clusters over war zones, capturing loads of imagery to give a complete picture of a situation. In addition to the camera and rockets on board, the devices will be stocked with telemetry, communications, navigation and a power source. They look pretty neat to me, but it'd be nice if we didn't have a use for them by the time they're developed.

I originally just wanted one very long string of them in the form of a double helix, as a monument of the binding factor in which all known living organisms are brought together: a common link of life in relation to the vital role that a seed plays--the genetic link and dispersal agent between successive generations of plants. Then I started to look at the evolutionary aspect of the form: the "whirlybird" wing and the motion it incites.
The seeds are adapted this way so that when they fall from the "mother" tree, they helicopter themselves away from her shade so they have a place of their own to soak up the sun.
Man-made aircrafts are actually inspired by forms like these found in nature, except in their attempt to mimic, Man can only create something that is hundreds of times less efficient than the original.

When I figured out the material I wanted to use, I dove into the biological, historical, and current connotations of the maple seed.
Turns out their un-noticeability has caught them a lot of attention:

The Pentagon is giving the war profiteers over at Lockheed Martin a nice chunk of change to develop a spy camera modeled after a maple seed. Loaded up with two rockets, the wee, single-winged camera would be used in large clusters over war zones, capturing loads of imagery to give a complete picture of a situation. In addition to the camera and rockets on board, the devices will be stocked with telemetry, communications, navigation and a power source. They look pretty neat to me, but it'd be nice if we didn't have a use for them by the time they're developed.

I originally just wanted one very long string of them in the form of a double helix, as a monument of the binding factor in which all known living organisms are brought together: a common link of life in relation to the vital role that a seed plays--the genetic link and dispersal agent between successive generations of plants. Then I started to look at the evolutionary aspect of the form: the "whirlybird" wing and the motion it incites.
The seeds are adapted this way so that when they fall from the "mother" tree, they helicopter themselves away from her shade so they have a place of their own to soak up the sun.
Man-made aircrafts are actually inspired by forms like these found in nature, except in their attempt to mimic, Man can only create something that is hundreds of times less efficient than the original.

In the end I created this paradox: a man-made contraption whose form implies the intention of flying or floating away with the seeds, but one of which will actually be a failure when put to the test. The object itself is made from these seeds that have already been perfectly sculpted by nature to fly away from the tree, but in this case a human has intervened, unsuccessfully, with nature's model.

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